Yoga Automates Moderation, Productivity, Better Health

We want to get as much done as we possible can. Life is hectic, and our boss/job wants to squeeze every drop they can out of us. We want to keep the job so we try our best to get more done, meet the deadline, do it better, do it faster, get the result expected of us. Whether for ourselves, for someone else, or both.

Mounting stress, less-than desirable daily habits, and unexpected events can throw us off, both emotionally, energetically.

Modifying intake of food, liquids, rest, breaks, to maintain a balance of energy for as much constant productive work as possible. To maintain one’s energy level at a constant steady pace.

Think of it like a wave, that can be kept near constant and steady by not doing the following: overeating, undereating, oversleeping, undersleeping.

Yoga balances your life directly and indirectly

Find a free yoga class near you yoga influences general balance of intake and expenditure of all other variables. It makes you automatically make better decisions about your lifestyle. It balances the platform upon which your life sits. That from which the natural balance of all else is regulated. Meditation is not enough. It inherently adjusts emotional control for better mental focus to avoid distraction and stay disciplined.

You’ll catch yourself more before eating something unhealthy, before reacting unfavorable to someone or some situation. You’ll decide to exercise when you might have skipped that workout. Yoga is not just stretching, it’s tuning your self-control over your mind and body to produce better results, to reach your goals.



Original note for this Aspect (tl;dr) – The optimization of daily activity to increase one’s ability to work. Modifying intake and type of food, liquids, rest, breaks, to maintain a balance of energy for as much constant productive work as possible. To maintain one’s energy level at a constant steady pace. To perceive that level as a wave that can be kept near constant and steady by not doing the following: overeating, undereating, oversleeping, sleep deprivation, under-exercising, over-exercising. Managing human rhythms (ultradian, circadian). Yoga as a influences general balance of intake and expenditure of all other variables, it is an equalizer, a basis upon which the platform of life sits. that from which the natural balance of all else comes or is regulated. meditation is not enough. Also mental focus is balanced by the other variables. control of emotions to keep one’s state in check for work is extremely important.