Life Metrics – Are You Growing, The Same, or Reversing

You can’t improve what you don’t track

You can’t just have some vague idea for a goal, do things about it here and there, check your progress irregularly, and expect an improvement. The fact that our activity is constrained by physical space means that everything can be tracked, measured and intentionally adjusted through action.

Give it time, but not too much

Allow the physical processes to do their thing. In essence, it is your manifestation power at work. The unseen biological and otherwise physical elements at work geared toward generating opportunities (also in physical space, whether brain/biologically through a mental idea or a person/thing presenting itself to help you in some way) to lead you toward the goal.

In a sense what you are measuring is not only your own discipline and planned action, but your manifestational ability, the proper mental application of your desire, discpline, hard work, everything combined to bring about change and progress. Sometimes we are fighting evolutionary (or, arguably, past life regressive) processes or otherwise self-imposed (belief related) constraints but this is a struggle of the mind. The physical ACTIONS taken (eat less food, work more hours, try alternatives) are the inputs to the unseen manifestational entity or system (whether it’s god, or other creative source). This is why so much self-help is based around the mental belief apparatus. To let go of whatever holds you back allows you to more easily take the required actions to achieve desired outcomes.

This post is about measureing and tracking those outcomes. Not necessarily as an alternative to getting past mental hurdles, but possibly inadvertently doing that. Simply by reaching a goal or desired outcome may release all or some of the influence whatever within you was holding you back from making progress. You may not even be aware of what beliefs or routine thoughts hold you back from making progress, especially if you are not paying attention. Weeks, months pass and you’re either the same or going backwards. When you actually do check any sort of progress.

Paying attention to your feelings is a basic primary way of knowing if you’re happy with some part of your life or not. That’s how you discover that something needs to change. After that, it’s about figuring out the life metric(s) to make progress on in order to change the situation.

Since all progress can be measured, and measurement itself creates motivation (when measurement is tracked around sub-goals and not too loftily) or de-motivation depending on whether the measurement is positive or not, you can learn to look at the process as:

  1. one that takes time to produce desired change
  2. one that is directly based on actions performed

Finding Your Key Metric

As soon as you have a desire for some change in your life. Completely disregard any doubt as to whether yuo can attain it. Know that you can. The question is how. Finding the key metric to change is what allows you to track your progress. It could be visits per day on your site, which you know generates X sales. Or pounds of fat you want to lose. Or whatever is important to you.

Your mental/manifestational/visually directing your intended outcome crucially points you in the direction you need to go. From here, creative forces generate the luck, ideas, people, things you need to move you forward. Trust that this will always happen, because the universe/god/whatever is inherently abundant. This is the rule. All you do is love the outcome you desire, enough to have it already, and apply the ideas/events that occur to take you toward it.

Gratitude is having love for both the process giving you the joy/progress you want, your own ability to get what you want, and the outcome as you’ll soon enjoy it. Gratitude strengthens faith/self-belief by confirming the inherent nature of the universal creation language being that of love (creation for the good of all is love). By loving the outcome, yourself, your progress, you are stimulating manifestational creative energy with belief, which seems to be required.

Never doubt your ability to make progress, reach your goal, stew in thoughts of lack, or frustration/discouragement. It only pushes opportunities away. Let yourself love the things you want as you will when you have them. Opportunities are constantly being generated

Once you’re thinking properly, and applying your energy toward making progress, and adjusting course when you measure your progress, you will start to reach an alignment which will allow you to measure either more often or less often, depending on what stage in the process you are. The metric may change. You may find the old metric is less important as a new one that is more valuable or a priority to you.

tl;dr – When you figure out something you want or to change in your life, find the thing you can measure that will tell you you are making progress. Figure out what actions to do and not do (within reason) that will most likely give you progress whenever you measure. Isolate/identity/optimize these actions to make progress even faster, so you can justify measuring more often. The thing you measure can eventually change if it becomes more important toward the same or a new different goal.