Giving To Get – Expanding Input/Value To Expand Return

“The more you put in, the more you get out”

Think more in terms of how you can provide value to your company or team, than how fast you can extract a paycheck. Try to create or develop a project, or contribute toward a self-sustaining system or project within the company rather than dreading meetings and working the minimum amount to get by.

Economy/universe requires efficient allocation of talent/skills, resources and contribution.

Even if you don’t have much control over the organization, your current position (position A) is only a reflection of your current desire for advancement (position B), contribution and skill set. This can easily change once you step up your game. People who get passed over for promotion should work even harder on perfecting whatever it is they do or contribute because either their abilities will eventually be rewarded at the current job or another higher opportunity somewhere else will present itself.

Manifesting opportunity/higher reward

If you work as part of a team, keep the project goal in mind and do whatever you can to become invaluable toward its success. Do your best to fulfill the current limits of your role in the system and ‘getting more out of it’ will find you. Especially if you are visualizing the situation you want to be in (position B). You will likely notice many new ways the company or your immediate project or task load can be improved, or you’ll discover something you can build on your own. That’s your in toward getting more back.

I’m trying to instill in you (or awake a dormant inclination toward) a desire to constantly improve and optimize things rather than keeping a narrow minded or self-doubing self-serving mindset. By understanding better how energy influences form and situations through ideas and events, you’ll understand better where you fit and why you’re where you are.

Remain open to situation-changing opportunities/ideas

Even if your role is extremely limited, there is usually a component you can control, that will get you further (put in more hours as a Doordasher, Make more sales calls, find ways to limit wasted time, skip breakfast or lunch, etc) that will give you overall better results. If there is no room at all (factory line worker), opportunities will still appear even if completely unrelated (like a side hustle based on skills or some circumstances your subconscious puts together). Self doubt must be removed to allow unexpected, unorthodox ideas to become apparent. Listening to ideas you get and taking action on them is walking through the door that just opened.

tl;dr – See your work as more than a paycheck, as a system you are a part of. Put in more effort to get more out it. Even if job growth prospects are constrained, you will come up with ways to improve, optimize or grow by listening to what your subconscious puts together. Act on that with the best intentions for all and you will be rewarded.

Have you experienced a change in your situation by putting in more effort, or listening to ideas for opportunities and taking action on them? Share how things came about and changed to help others understand this process better.