Crime Doesn’t Pay – Ultimately

“All things therefore whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, even so do ye also unto them: for this is the law and the prophets.” (Not a regious blog but this was appropriate)

“he got what’s coming to him” (whether good or bad)

The problem with all crime is that it upsets or interrupts the equilibrium of the universe, which desires perfection. So when someone takes something from someone else, or causes harm, the action must be undone, or reversed, in equal or greater proportion (whether through retaliation [simple] or other unseen mechanics [complex]).

Intent is universal language (secret sauce). The sort of intent behind any (at least conscious) mental or physical activity will bring more of that back to you. That’s why its always best to wish others success (don’t be a hater), because wishing others’ success will bring you more success. Any sustained intent always comes back to you several times over. This is why success can be engineered but more on that in other posts.

Universal reflection in form and consequence

Criminals look for a quick return that will eventually backfire in some way. Quick opportunity for gain can be done positively, but when it involves criminal behavior, it triggers the nature of “at least equally proportional return” I’m referring to. Wherever your mind and energy goes, you will get more of it. No matter how bad someone’s situation is, there is always something to be grateful for. This creates a turn in the opposite direction. People experience ups and downs (often to much greater degrees of fluctuation than are necessary) from not understanding how they are influencing their reality.

Raising vibration or compounding directional change

This directional change will compound as (at least) your attention on self doubt or despair turns (despite what you may see around you) into positive mental visuals, higher goals, and generally any effort toward doing the right thing for yourself or others. Any form of appreciation, joy or positive contribution.

Again, when the intent, or quality/essence of the thought/action, the direction your mind or actions are going, the essential nature of them, are not for everyone’s betterment, the equal or greater proportional reaction will ensue. Apart from those who commit crimes without apparent motive/intent (i expect a relatively low proportion of the crime committing population), the negative action in itself causing harm (probably still somewhat due in part to desperation, financial need, quick opportunity for gain or other psychological reasons (not being heard, understood, etc) is also a place the mind goes (thus unconscious or less-conscious intent in any case is still proportional reaction-inducing intent.

But consciously turning the tide on the emotions or inclinations reverse the effects that will ultimately soon materialize in one’s life. Whether if takes reflection, therapy or hitting rock-bottom, it will justify more proper thinking/actions. Just as crime justifies (by getting away with or never satisfying the need for thrill, or not being rich yet or whatever other reason) more crime/negative actions. The negative return always manifests in pain whether it is directly to the person or to something/someone important to them.

Uncertainties to be avoided

What I’m not sure about is how much doing good in greater proportion to causing harm can offset the reactive balance of negative return to the point of either a reduction in negative return to almost insiginificant or barely noticed (or otherwise acceptable) levels or effects, or even produce a net positive return. There may be a reduction of unavoidable negative reactions due to conscious effort (being smart, laying low). I would think there are still negative enough vulnerabilities or “chinks in the armor” to justify avoiding negative return at all costs. Why hold yourself back any longer than you feel you need to?

I would use as an example a rapper who lives a life of crime before going straight by surviving and thriving off their music. I will get into this more but the reaction of producing positive return through music and self-improvement can outweigh negative previous actions, unless so rediculously grave to disallow either a net positive gain to accrue/materialize or push negative return so far below a point of equilibrium that they get killed before they can make it (offset the negative return with positive gain equity).

Overall, it’s essentially better to bank on good things happening to good people rather than bad things happening to bad people. But it’s much deeper than some simple Kumbaya intentions. It’s about action following thought/intention for a positive return in general. That’s where you want to be and stay.

tl;dr – Don’t fuck around if you can help it, it will come back to haunt you. Be good to others, and good will come back to enrich you. Do more of the latter whenever possible to keep good things coming to you or lessen the effects of the bad shit you already did (not to justify doing bad shit, btw, bc it complicates things more than needed).