The Law Of Linear Continuance: Live Fast, Reach Goals Faster

Time is an illusion. Manifestation is a skill. Daily grind is imperative. Life is organized and separated into recognizeable and comfortable chunks, based on human energy but this deludes us into thinking we’ll never run out of ‘days’ and we are more likely to put things off.

By staying aware of linear continuance, we forget the divisional elements of the day and focus on getting what we need to done to reach our goal. When we wake up, it’s a fresh new day. The illusive routines are repeated. To get back to productive work state, remember you are simply continuing from ‘yesterday’ or the time before sleep. Sleep organizes the past so we feel like we have a new start, rather than continuing something from before. That’s why we list what we need to do the day before, while we’re still in the state of making progress.

Ordinary but necessary events like meals, going to the gym, our commute, are preceeded or followed by habits systematically that take more of our time away from our action-continuance. The time – which needs to be productively filled with action to produce our desired results – which underlies these ordinary events are illusory.

On our commute we can feel we can relax because there’s nothing we could be doing. We could be finishing an audiobook in the car or reading on the bus. You see people doing these things and may do them yourself, but is underlying continuance the reason? It gives purpose, when structured around a life or work goal.

Extract every second of the day for viable productive work and never forget linear continuance is essentially the blank slate of your life’s time. Force the results you desire by taking efficient action as often as possible.