Success Balloons

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tl;dr – Success balloons are the habits, systems, and processes you develop to create sustained success in your life, whether financial, or otherwise. You keep them expanding, flying and avoid popping by not telling anyone about them. Don’t brag about your success, and downplay it when others learn or speak of it. Change the subject, ask about them. To keep your balloons’ momentum, stay consistent in what you do and never get lazy. Talking about your success attracts negative energy and balloons will pop, now or down the line when you least expect it, wasting your hard work and forcing you to scramble and rebuild. Once something works, avoid the trap of telling others. Instead be grateful and keep your mouth shut and let things keep working since ultimately, it is you that cares or benefits most from your own success.

For most of us, life is about getting more of what you want, or keeping what you have. Whether through college, giving you the tools and a system to work with (accounting, engineering etc), or sheer hustle (to get a job, to do well at it), or a combination of both, you develop strategies to survive in a modern economy. More than that, the success we build is based not only on our direct implementation of our skills and work ethic, or even a system of repeatable actions (such as in a factory line, in a basic sense), but on unseen forces at work bringing us the results we want.

Yet people unexpectedly lose jobs, or online income sources, or even people on the factory line get injured. It is not to say this can’t happen without injecting negative energy into work by talking about things that are going well (complacency can also directly or indirectly cause this). Simply that in the creation of these success processes we develop, or success balloons as I’m calling them, we may well keep our head down as we effectively expand them because we simply aren’t “doing well” yet. There’s nothing to tell.

And therein lies the magic of creation of our eventual success, persistent should we choose to stay consistent in whatever we find that is working for us. But to speak of it or worse boast of it, can well, and even at a future disconnected time pop those very balloons. Again, this can manifest in any way that something previously was working breaks. We tend to say “ah well, it was good for a time.” And move on, without further understanding that had we kept our mouth shut there might be a higher chance of things continuing unaltered. This may relate to quantum physics as far as looking into a process changing that very energy field or process but I’ll stay out of that scope.

It’s a human tendency to forget to keep things to ourselves when things are going well. We want to tell others, brag, and even if we are confident in how things are going, and work hard to keep them that way and continue expanding, problems that otherwise would not show up will, even if they do not relate to the very things we spoke of. Let others see your success, the fruits of your work, without first telling them. If they ask, downplay your role, system or whatever is working, or change the subject and ask about them. They’ll be much more interested in themselves anyway and you won’t attract negative energy to yourself.

Gratitude insulates success

One exception is gratitude. Gratitude is a way to protect against this effect, because gratitude has the opposite effect of negative energy influencing your success balloons. Gratitude and staying consistent working on goals gives you new ideas to build new success balloons to reach your goals faster. This is also in line with not being lazy. If it becomes known that you are successful, even if you tell others about your plans potentially drawing negative energy toward them making their fruition more difficult, your gratitude will only help counteract this and drive you closer to your goals.

You can replace success balloons in advance of one getting unexpectedly popped, through hard work, goals and gratitude. Gratitude for what is working already insulates your success and helps it grow, by triggering universal creative energy to give you new ideas or modifications to current processes that lead to new projects, improvements on current ones, and generally drive you toward your goals through the mechanics of faith, regardless if your religion or who you give gratitude to, as it’s a universal aspect, irrespective of religion.