Hard Work As A Currency

Quote and image from GYMAHOLIC

tl;dr – You use hard work as a currency. You create to open up new opportunities. You may not realize in the moment what will get you closer to your goals and dreams. If you earn more money from working harder, it may get you closer. But it may also take longer than applying vision in order to use your hard work currency more creatively.

The means or way to achieving your goals and dreams is opened up by your vision, desire and work ethic. Examples of means are connections, introductions, money, events or realizations of better ways to do things. These come to mind as you work hard and are what lead you to milestones you attain on the way to achieving your dreams. They are only a sign or manifestation that you are advancing and that things are working in the right direction. These often go unseen and are identified as luck. But make no mistake that the underlying fundamentals of hard work, feeling gratitude for already having what you want, and clear vision are the basic and initial necessary elements.


We mechanically interact with 3 dimensional reality through our actions. Actions have consequences. Our shared physical reality is influenced in infinite ways by our actions, in ways we can’t know. Our vision and focused emotions directs the underlying energy of forms into creating and shifting around the physical forms we see every day into things we want and even those we don’t want. So it’s crucial to combine the two – vision and work.

Hard work currency, like money currency, doesn’t want to be wasted and yet it is when people stay in the same position year after year. If we work hard, we will more often than not move in a sustained positive direction because we are thinking of what we want while we are working. We intuitively know we don’t want to waste this time and that we must envision what we want to make the most of this work. But if we work at a regular pace, without hustle, without vision to drive our desire (to work harder, more enthusiastically, more consistently), we slip backwards or stay in the same position, doing the minimum to survive. Our thoughts may even slip us into doubt which greatly stunts progress. There is no time for doubt when we are working fervently toward our goals. We may never realize that putting in extra effort would take us that much closer to our true goals and desires faster because we aren’t holding them in mind in the first place.

Remember that money is paper. It has no intrinsic value. Yet we as a society have agreed that this special paper is valuable because it allows us to have things we need for survival, and things we want that make life more comfortable or livable. We either stay in the same lifestyle, same level of income, or we advance. Many ingredients are at play. We have complete control over the income we receive, believe it or not. Money is just a tool we receive through hard work. Money by itself is not the determining factor of our success. Many people work for money, to have more of it, and its fine to use money as a goal. But this slows progress because we will tend to keep doing what we already do (or the same types of things) to get it.


Once you add the ingredient of vision of what you want, and back it with the feeling of having it already, you start to have a certain discomfort in your current state of not having what you want. ThisĀ  unlocks creative energy and new original, passionate and aligned ideas unique to you which you can and need to take action on immediately. Your mind immediately goes to a business idea you may have put on the shelf for years, or a contact you never contacted which may present the opportunity you need to get what you want. Chase down and develop what makes the most sense to you. Now you are working hard and passionately.

Using vision forces your mind to work in a different and more creative and passionate way, rather than the desperate and unemotional way it would using money alone as the goal. Sure, if you need a certain amount more money for basic survival, then by all means do more of what you are already doing. Get another job you can easily get, ask for more hours or a raise. But when you apply vision and creatively guided hard work, new ways open up that you may not have thought of. Spend your hard work currency wisely infused with the ingredients of vision, emotion and gratitude and you’ll open up new means of getting what you want faster than you knew was possible. Actively do this starting now.