Stress Is Lack of Planning

Your mind can fully surround most any problem, regardless of size or impenetrability/difficulty. Everything can be distilled down to a system, with moving or static parts which can be manipulated and modified in sequence so you can manifest the outcome you want and stop being confused about what’s going on.

Always stop and take control of your situation. Don’t get overwhelmed emotionally by one part of the situation that’s bothering you. Step back, consider all the parts you know about, have some degree of control over, then start to scheme, design, and plan your way out or through it.

Generally nothing’s too complicated to get through, its at the very least persistance but also creative application of truth, what you CAN do about a situation. Don’t allow doubt to exist, only the threat of unfavorable consequences. Only lack of ambition should stop you. There is no time to waste getting frustrated. Frustration is an excuse for laziness and inaction. Force yourself past frustration with segments of action toward planned task completion.

We organize our daily life based on what we are used to and what we think we can handle. Complex situations seem more challenging due to lack of familiar, accustomed patterns. We avoid growth to stay comfortable. We avoid what seems difficult so we never grow. To be human is to strive for consistent comfort, then stop, or do just enough to maintain base comfort. Grant Cardone’s motivation in his book 10X tells you that giving your all (10X your usual effort) helps avoids setbacks, but also causes new problems (which you’ll blast through since you’re giving 10X effort), but to avoid the risk of running out of gas or not measuring your progress, this higher level of effort needs to be organized around goal setting. A better outcome is going to require some planning, We’re capable of most anything if we say and think we are.

Stress and frustration to life’s situations comes from not knowing enough or feeling powerful enough to take new action we are comfortable with, in order to surpass the problem. Push to train your mind not to be reactive but to always step back and deconstruct and reorganize the variables in the situation. Get it on paper if you need to, and apply your best judgment to come up with the best course of action, or at least one you can live with for the time being.