Create Your Own Sensory Rich Ambiences

We as humans create our own sensory experiences, as rich or simple as we like, often without realizing that is what we are doing. The richness is only limited by our creativity and money, in part, to create the experiences we want, but even the financial limitation is subjective due to law of attraction.

With everyday things that are within most of our grasps, we can practice this display of creativity to create wonderful surroundings in our home and work. We don’t need to be interior designers or wait for the holidays.

Even a game night, with music, a fold up table, cards, dominoes, wine, whatever else that fits your personal taste can create an ambience you and others can enjoy. Candles on a dinner table, re-arranging your furniture or buying a basketball hoop for the swimming pool are other examples of creating ambience.

This is simply about the deliberate attempt at creating ambience based on your personal interests. Money helps, but practice makes you more creative and efficient at it.

We do this automatically. We find something we want, or feel would be useful to us, so we buy it and leave it somewhere we will use it often. We place it consciously but usually aren’t designing the integration of the item into the environment purposefully. We just put it there so we use it. You can place things deliberately that will enhance or enrich the experience of whatever you’re doing. Design multiple items around a single activity and watch your creativity, productivity and progress soar with that activity. You’ll enjoy it more.

During holidays, we create ambience more deliberately but automatically, and based around a socially acceptable construct. Christmas – we put up a tree, play themed music, dress red green sometimes. It’s not directly useful as far as getting things done but the point is it can be. We associate concepts (reindeer, santa, red/green, etc) and build experiences only because that is ‘what people do. Start doing this deliberately and enrich your surroundings to give yourself more peace and enjoyment.

Over time, we build these ambiences due to day to day comfort and convenience. You like x or y item where it is because it is convenient. If someone moves it, you get upset, and place it back where it was. What if you deliberately thought about what else you might enjoy in that space? Or in an entirely new space based on a hobby or interest you have?

You never know how much you’ll enjoy an activity better without the added elements that will improve the ambience. Think of it like a cooking recipe if that helps. Adding one or a few missing ingredients can enrich the taste tenfold. It can take some practice to get used to thinking like this but it deliberate sensory creation is a skill anyone can develop and use.