Beyond survival – individual vs connective expression

This post is about separating our individual/disconnected nature which binds us to others and our activities intellectually/spiritually and the productive-connective nature that binds us in economy for sustaining livelihood.

[in prog]

The separate but connected human entity. Productive vs desire/interest – as a discrete consciousness-bearing human on a planet. In the state of being without possessions or material comfort, but simply as existing. This concept as it relates/connects to the current state of the development of modern society and how we interact and relate to each other to indirectly sustain others (who indirectly sustain our needs) and directly sustain (ourselves through wages) our own survival and thus the very same societal structure which creates the illusion of itself, making us forget our most basic nature unless we look for it ourselves. 

This may also be why people seek to connect with nature or “play hard” or are “weekend warriors” camping/extreme nature related sports, climbing/hiking, to get back to individual oneness with the planet disconnect from their role in society.

We are still at our most basic form. society plugs us into eachother and creates the illusion that we are part of the same homogenous situation when, we are discrete individuals operating in and as part of, feeding into and inadvertently forming this illusion, by our nature of wanting this societal concept to subsist, to sustain our modern comforts. we all play a role or part in it but we get lost in it and seek genuine connection with others.

We are all the same as we were disconnected humans on a planet, there’s just more of us now, and we have complex methods of connection, communication, interaction. ways of contacting each other, discovering what each other’s unique interests are. now that survival is not such a basic task of finding food, shelter, assuming we are at some moderately advanced level of income to sustain those basic needs, we seek connection, companionship, interest, association, esteem in group setting in a more nuances level. 

All the interests, interest-focused social groups we form still lend to those basic ideas of self esteem and status in groups. we can meet other individuals we never otherwise would have, to find common ground, like minded ‘us’s’ bc we are all the same basic human form, a clone of a basic type of entity, creature, a species that has and continues to evolve.

tl;dr Life isn’t all work – Make time for yourself and those you care about